Streetcar Developments: Official Website

Temporary Mural Raises Spirits During COVID-19

Huron Street near the corner of Heritage Drive in the town of Collingwood just got a lot brighter thanks to a collaboration between local government, artists, and developers (that’s us!).

The Town of Collingwood’s Parks, Recreation, & Culture Department wanted to create a project to uplift the community and inspire positivity and hope during the COVID-19 pandemic. They approached Streetcar for permission to use the space, which we happily supplied as a canvas for the art installation. The Town of Collingwood worked to find the right local artists to bring the space to life with a temporary mural.

A call for submissions was issued searching for artists with experience using spray paint. Four local artists were selected. The artists are Lily Findlay, Ruth Hurdle, Sam Nellicks, Rob Saley, and Blaze Wiradharma.

“We are really grateful to Streetcar Developments who own the property that the hoarding sits on,” says Dean Collver, Director of Parks, Recreation, and Culture.

The mural has made quite an impact during this challenging time. While the art may be temporary, we hope the town of Collingwood will look back and remember this as a time of community and togetherness symbolized by the mural.

Learn more about Arts in the Town of Collingwood at 

Title image via the Town of Collingwood. Captured by Dave West Photography.